Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 17

Sorry it has taken us forever to update our blog, but we have both been so busy with school and work. I promise, I will try and do better when summer comes because I won't have an excuse then. Well, yesterday we had our regular check up and everything sounded great. We were able to hear the heartbeat again and the heart rate was between 150 and 155 bpm. Our next sonogram will be on Friday, May 29th and we will get to find out if we are having a little girl or boy! Yeah!! We can't wait! Enjoy the picture! I'm getting bigger. Belly, Butt :( , Boobs :), and all!


  1. So glad everything is going well. Hope we get to see you before your 8 months. Your look great. Aunt Donna

  2. Congrats!!!! You are due on my bday! Being a mom is the best!
